The musings of Mr Monkeysized

Mapping why Europe still matters by monkeysized
March 10, 2011, 15:18
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , ,

I have a day job, working for a particular think tank that covers European foreign policy. That’s why I have this as an outlet – so that I can express views that are my own, rather more freely. But sometimes I do something there that I want to share here. For instance this blog post.

The idea started with this ace map from the Economist:

Which led me to this:

And the slightly more complex this:

Fiddling the countries by monkeysized
April 30, 2010, 16:33
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , ,

Isn’t it a shame when your country isn’t quite where you think it should be? Pish to those accidents of history. Instead, here’s a fabulous attempt by the Economist to rejig it all (in Europe at least) without resorting to the kind of physical impetus pioneered by the likes of Hitler and Stalin…

The eagle-eyed amongs my three readers will notice that the Tintin states of Syldavia and Borduria have a new home, among a number of interesting tweaks. Here is the original item for much-needed further explanation.

So how is this monkeysized? Well it is a splendid attempt to mesh human frailty with the ability to rework the heritage that we inherit through our history and geography. As an old Balkans hand, of sorts, I like the fact it’s meant to be provocative…